This vignette demonstrates predicting compound mechanism-of-action using morphological profiling data. See the vignette single_cell_analysis for details about this dataset.


Load data

Per-well profiles computed in single_cell_analysis are loaded, as well as metadata associated with these profiles (obtained from BBBC021)

profiles <-
  readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata", "ljosa_jbiomolscreen_2013_per_well_mean.csv.gz",
                package = "cytominergallery"))

moa <-
  readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata", "BBBC021_v1_moa.csv",
                              package = "cytominergallery")) %>%
  rename(Image_Metadata_Compound = compound,
                Image_Metadata_Concentration = concentration,
                Image_Metadata_MoA = moa

metadata <-
  readr::read_csv(system.file("extdata", "BBBC021_v1_image.csv.gz",
                              package = "cytominergallery")) %>%
  rename(Image_Metadata_Plate = Image_Metadata_Plate_DAPI,
                Image_Metadata_Well = Image_Metadata_Well_DAPI
  ) %>%
  select(matches("^Image_Metadata")) %>%
  inner_join(moa) %>%

profiles %<>%

variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

How many compounds?

profiles %>%
  filter(Image_Metadata_Compound != "DMSO") %>%
  distinct(Image_Metadata_Compound) %>%
  tally() %>%
  rename(`Number of compounds` = n) %>%
Number of compounds

How many unique treatments (compound-concentration pairs)?

profiles %>%
  filter(Image_Metadata_Compound != "DMSO") %>%
  distinct(Image_Metadata_Compound, Image_Metadata_Concentration) %>%
  tally() %>%
  rename(`Number of unique treatments` = n) %>%
Number of unique treatments

How many replicates per unique treatment?

profiles %>%
  filter(Image_Metadata_Compound != "DMSO") %>%
  count(Image_Metadata_Compound, Image_Metadata_Concentration) %>%
  rename(`Number of replicates` = n) %>%
Image_Metadata_Compound Image_Metadata_Concentration Number of replicates
ALLN 3.000 3
ALLN 100.000 3
alsterpaullone 1.000 2
alsterpaullone 3.000 2
anisomycin 0.300 3
anisomycin 1.000 3
AZ-A 0.100 3
AZ-A 0.300 3
AZ-A 1.000 3
AZ-A 3.000 3
AZ-A 10.000 3
AZ-A 30.000 3
AZ-C 0.001 3
AZ-C 0.003 3
AZ-C 0.010 3
AZ-C 0.030 3
AZ-C 0.100 3
AZ-C 0.300 3
AZ-C 1.000 3
AZ-J 1.000 3
AZ-J 3.000 3
AZ-J 10.000 3
AZ-U 1.000 3
AZ-U 3.000 3
AZ-U 10.000 3
AZ138 0.030 3
AZ138 0.100 3
AZ138 0.300 3
AZ138 1.000 3
AZ138 3.000 3
AZ258 0.100 3
AZ258 0.300 3
AZ258 1.000 3
AZ841 0.100 3
AZ841 0.300 3
AZ841 1.000 3
bryostatin 0.300 2
camptothecin 0.003 3
camptothecin 0.010 3
camptothecin 0.030 3
chlorambucil 10.000 3
cisplatin 10.000 3
colchicine 0.030 3
cyclohexamide 5.000 3
cyclohexamide 15.000 3
cyclohexamide 50.000 3
cytochalasin B 10.000 3
cytochalasin B 30.000 3
cytochalasin D 0.300 3
demecolcine 0.300 3
demecolcine 1.000 3
demecolcine 3.000 3
demecolcine 10.000 3
docetaxel 0.030 3
docetaxel 0.100 3
docetaxel 0.300 3
emetine 0.100 3
emetine 0.300 3
emetine 1.000 3
epothilone B 0.100 3
epothilone B 0.300 3
epothilone B 1.000 3
etoposide 1.000 3
etoposide 3.000 3
etoposide 10.000 3
floxuridine 10.000 3
floxuridine 30.000 3
lactacystin 10.000 3
latrunculin B 1.000 3
latrunculin B 3.000 3
methotrexate 10.000 3
mevinolin/lovastatin 1.500 3
mevinolin/lovastatin 5.000 3
mevinolin/lovastatin 15.000 3
MG-132 0.100 3
MG-132 3.000 3
mitomycin C 0.100 3
mitomycin C 0.300 3
mitomycin C 1.000 3
mitomycin C 3.000 3
mitoxantrone 0.003 3
mitoxantrone 0.010 3
nocodazole 1.000 3
nocodazole 3.000 3
PD-169316 3.000 2
PD-169316 10.000 2
PP-2 3.000 2
PP-2 10.000 2
proteasome inhibitor I 0.100 3
proteasome inhibitor I 3.000 3
simvastatin 2.000 3
simvastatin 6.000 3
simvastatin 20.000 3
taxol 0.300 3
taxol 1.000 3
taxol 3.000 3
vincristine 0.003 3
vincristine 0.010 3
vincristine 0.030 3
vincristine 0.100 3
vincristine 0.300 3
vincristine 1.000 3
vincristine 3.000 3

How many DMSO wells per plate?

profiles %>%
  filter(Image_Metadata_Compound == "DMSO") %>%
  count(Image_Metadata_Plate) %>%
  rename(`Number of DMSO wells` = n) %>%
Image_Metadata_Plate Number of DMSO wells
Week1_22123 6
Week1_22141 6
Week1_22161 6
Week1_22361 6
Week1_22381 6
Week1_22401 6
Week10_40111 6
Week10_40115 6
Week10_40119 6
Week2_24121 6
Week2_24141 6
Week2_24161 6
Week2_24361 6
Week2_24381 6
Week2_24401 6
Week3_25421 6
Week3_25441 6
Week3_25461 6
Week3_25681 6
Week3_25701 6
Week3_25721 6
Week4_27481 6
Week4_27521 6
Week4_27542 6
Week4_27801 6
Week4_27821 6
Week4_27861 6
Week5_28901 6
Week5_28921 6
Week5_28961 6
Week5_29301 6
Week5_29321 6
Week5_29341 6
Week6_31641 6
Week6_31661 6
Week6_31681 6
Week6_32061 6
Week6_32121 6
Week6_32161 6
Week7_34341 6
Week7_34381 6
Week7_34641 6
Week7_34661 6
Week7_34681 6
Week8_38203 6
Week8_38221 6
Week8_38241 6
Week8_38341 6
Week8_38342 6
Week9_39206 6
Week9_39221 6
Week9_39222 6
Week9_39282 6
Week9_39283 6
Week9_39301 6

Feature selection

Next, lets filter the set of features based on various measures of quality

Remove features that have near-zero variance. This dataset doesn’t have any such features, so nothing is removed.

profiles <-
    population = profiles,
    variables = variables,
    sample = profiles,
    operation = "variance_threshold"
  ) %>%

variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

Remove features that have poor correlation across replicates. To do so, lets first compute the correlations.

doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = 2)

feature_replicate_correlations <-
  profiles %>%
    variables = variables,
    strata = c("Image_Metadata_Compound", "Image_Metadata_Concentration"),
    replicates = 3,
    cores = 2)

What the does the distribution look like?

ggplot(feature_replicate_correlations, aes(median))  +
  stat_ecdf() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, color = "red") +
  xlab("median replicate correlation (Pearson)") +

Here, we select a threshold and remove features that have a replicate correlation lower than that threshold

profiles %<>%
  select_(.dots = setdiff(x = colnames(profiles),
                          y = feature_replicate_correlations %>%
                            filter(median < 0.5) %>%
## Warning: select_() is deprecated. 
## Please use select() instead
## The 'programming' vignette or the tidyeval book can help you
## to program with select() :
## This warning is displayed once per session.
variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

Filter based on correlation between features. The morphological features extracted contain several highly correlated groups. We want to to prune the set of features, retaining only one feature from each of these highly correlated sets. The function correlation_threshold provides an approximate (greedy) solution to this problem. After excluding the features, no pair of features have a correlation greater than cutoff indicated below.

profiles <-
    population = profiles,
    variables = variables,
    sample = profiles,
    operation = "correlation_threshold",
    cutoff = 0.95) %>%
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57] excluded:
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_AreaShape_MaximumRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_AreaShape_MeanRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_AreaShape_MedianRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_AreaShape_MinFeretDiameter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_AreaShape_MinorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_StdIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_StdIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Neighbors_NumberOfNeighbors_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Texture_SumVariance_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Texture_Variance_CorrActin_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Texture_Variance_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cells_Texture_Variance_CorrTub_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_Area
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MajorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MaxFeretDiameter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MaximumRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MeanRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MedianRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MinFeretDiameter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_MinorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_Solidity
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_Zernike_0_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_IntegratedIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_IntegratedIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_IntegratedIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MassDisplacement_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MassDisplacement_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MinIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MinIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_StdIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_StdIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_DifferenceEntropy_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_DifferenceVariance_CorrTub_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_DifferenceVariance_CorrTub_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_InfoMeas2_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_SumAverage_CorrTub_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Cytoplasm_Texture_Variance_CorrTub_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MajorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MaxFeretDiameter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MeanRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MinorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Perimeter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_3_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_4_4
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_5_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_6_6
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_7_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_7_5
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_7_7
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_9_7
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_9_9
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_IntegratedIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_IntegratedIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_IntegratedIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_IntegratedIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_LowerQuartileIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_LowerQuartileIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MeanIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:57]    Nuclei_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MedianIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MinIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MinIntensityEdge_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MinIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_StdIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_StdIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_UpperQuartileIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Neighbors_PercentTouching_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_InfoMeas2_CorrDAPI_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_Variance_CorrDAPI_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_AreaShape_Area
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_AreaShape_MajorAxisLength
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_AreaShape_MaxFeretDiameter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_LowerQuartileIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MinIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_AngleBetweenNeighbors_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_FirstClosestDistance_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_NumberOfNeighbors_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_SecondClosestDistance_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_Contrast_CorrTub_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_InfoMeas1_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_SumVariance_CorrTub_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cytoplasm_AreaShape_Extent
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_AreaShape_Perimeter
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_IntegratedIntensity_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MeanIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_LowerQuartileIntensity_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cytoplasm_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrTub
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrActin
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_AngularSecondMoment_CorrTub_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_Contrast_CorrActin_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_DifferenceVariance_CorrActin_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Texture_DifferenceEntropy_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cytoplasm_Texture_AngularSecondMoment_CorrTub_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MaximumRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_AreaShape_MedianRadius
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_3_1
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_AreaShape_Zernike_5_5
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MADIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensityEdge_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Intensity_MaxIntensity_CorrDAPI
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_AngleBetweenNeighbors_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Neighbors_AngleBetweenNeighbors_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_FirstClosestDistance_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Neighbors_FirstClosestDistance_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Cells_Neighbors_SecondClosestDistance_3
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Neighbors_SecondClosestDistance_10
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_AngularSecondMoment_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_InfoMeas1_CorrActin_10_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_InfoMeas1_CorrActin_3_0
## INFO [2020-04-30 00:16:58]    Nuclei_Texture_InfoMeas1_CorrTub_3_0
variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

Normalize with reference to DMSO

There may be plate-to-plate variations, which can be compensated for to some extent by normalizing the features with respect to the DMSO wells per plate.

profiles <-
    population = profiles,
    variables = variables,
    strata =  c("Image_Metadata_Plate"),
    sample = profiles %>% filter(Image_Metadata_Compound == "DMSO")

profiles <-
      population = profiles,
      variables = variables,
      operation = "drop_na_columns"

variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

Calculate treatment profiles and predict mechanism-of-action

We have selected features and normalized the data. We can now compute treatment profiles by averaging across replicates.

profiles <-
    population = profiles,
    variables = variables,
    strata = c("Image_Metadata_Compound",
    operation = "mean"

variables <-
  colnames(profiles) %>%

Let’s visualize this data using t-SNE.

profiles %<>%
  filter(Image_Metadata_Compound != "DMSO")

correlation <-
  profiles %>%
  select(one_of(variables)) %>%
  as.matrix() %>%
  t() %>%

mechanism <- as.character(profiles$Image_Metadata_MoA)


df <-
    ) %>%
  mutate(mechanism = mechanism)
## Warning: `as_data_frame()` is deprecated as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
## The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
## Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have column names if `.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
## Using compatibility `.name_repair`.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
p <-
  ggplot(df, aes(V1, V2, color=mechanism)) +
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("t-SNE visualization of compound profiles")


The data clusters into mechanisms quite nicely. Let’s quantify this by evaluating how well we can predict mechanism-of-action by simply assigning a treatment the mechanism of its nearest neighbor. NOTE: A common mistake when analyzing this dataset is to not exclude other concentrations of the same compound when looking up the nearest neighbor. That is cheating! mask in the code below addresses this.

compound <- profiles$Image_Metadata_Compound

mask <- as.integer(outer(compound, compound, FUN="!="))

mask[mask == 0] <- -Inf

correlation_masked <- correlation * mask

prediction <- sapply(1:nrow(correlation_masked),
               function(i) mechanism[order(correlation_masked[i,],
                                           decreasing = TRUE)[1]])

confusion_matrix <- caret::confusionMatrix(as.factor(prediction),

What’s the classification accuracy?

  ~metric, ~value,
  "Accuracy", sprintf("%.2f", confusion_matrix$overall["Accuracy"]),
  "95% CI", sprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", confusion_matrix$overall[["AccuracyLower"]],
  ) %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)
## Warning: `frame_data()` is deprecated as of lifecycle 2.0.0.
## Please use `tribble()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
metric value
Accuracy 0.82
95% CI (0.73, 0.89)

What does the whole confusion matrix look like?

confusion_matrix$table %>%
Actin disruptors Aurora kinase inhibitors Cholesterol-lowering DNA damage DNA replication Eg5 inhibitors Epithelial Kinase inhibitors Microtubule destabilizers Microtubule stabilizers Protein degradation Protein synthesis
Actin disruptors 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Aurora kinase inhibitors 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cholesterol-lowering 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DNA damage 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
DNA replication 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Eg5 inhibitors 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 0 0
Epithelial 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0
Kinase inhibitors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0
Microtubule destabilizers 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 0
Microtubule stabilizers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1 0
Protein degradation 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0
Protein synthesis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8