sim_filter_keep_or_drop_some filters a melted similarity matrix to remove or keep specified rows.

  filter_keep = NULL,
  filter_drop = NULL,
  filter_side = NULL



data.frame with melted similarity matrix.


data.frame with row metadata.


optional data.frame of metadata specifying which rows to keep.


optional data.frame of metadata specifying which rows to drop.


character string specifying which index to filter on. This must be one of the strings "left" or "right".


Filtered sim_df as a data.frame, with some rows kept and some rows dropped. No filters applied if both filter_keep and filter_drop are NULL.


population <- tibble::tibble(
  Metadata_group = sample(c("a", "b"), 4, replace = TRUE),
  Metadata_type = sample(c("x", "y"), 4, replace = TRUE),
  x = rnorm(4),
  y = x + rnorm(4) / 100,
  z = y + rnorm(4) / 1000
annotation_cols <- c("Metadata_group", "Metadata_type")
sim_df <- matric::sim_calculate(population, method = "pearson")
row_metadata <- attr(sim_df, "row_metadata")
sim_df <- matric::sim_annotate(sim_df, row_metadata, annotation_cols)
filter_keep <- tibble::tibble(Metadata_group = "a", Metadata_type = "x")
filter_drop <- tibble::tibble(Metadata_group = "a", Metadata_type = "x")
matric::sim_filter_keep_or_drop_some(sim_df, row_metadata,
  filter_keep = filter_keep, filter_side = "left"
#>   id1 id2        sim Metadata_group1 Metadata_type1 Metadata_group2
#> 1   4   1 -0.7770026               a              x               b
#> 2   4   2  0.5608673               a              x               b
#> 3   4   3  0.7392556               a              x               a
#>   Metadata_type2
#> 1              x
#> 2              x
#> 3              y
matric::sim_filter_keep_or_drop_some(sim_df, row_metadata,
  filter_drop = filter_drop, filter_side = "left"
#>   id1 id2        sim Metadata_group1 Metadata_type1 Metadata_group2
#> 1   2   1 -0.9569599               b              x               b
#> 2   3   1 -0.9983228               a              y               b
#> 3   1   2 -0.9569599               b              x               b
#> 4   3   2  0.9721567               a              y               b
#> 5   1   3 -0.9983228               b              x               a
#> 6   2   3  0.9721567               b              x               a
#> 7   1   4 -0.7770026               b              x               a
#> 8   2   4  0.5608673               b              x               a
#> 9   3   4  0.7392556               a              y               a
#>   Metadata_type2
#> 1              x
#> 2              x
#> 3              x
#> 4              x
#> 5              y
#> 6              y
#> 7              x
#> 8              x
#> 9              x