CytoTable: sources - tasks and flows related to
source data and metadata for performing conversion work.
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath
from cytotable.exceptions import NoInputDataException
def _build_path(path: str, **kwargs) -> Union[pathlib.Path, AnyPath]:
Build a path client or return local path.
path: Union[pathlib.Path, Any]:
Path to seek filepaths within.
**kwargs: Any
keyword arguments to be used with
Cloudpathlib.CloudPath.client .
Union[pathlib.Path, Any]
A local pathlib.Path or Cloudpathlib.AnyPath type path.
from cloudpathlib import CloudPath
from cytotable.utils import _expand_path
# form a path using cloudpathlib AnyPath, stripping certain characters
processed_path = _expand_path(str(path).strip("'\" "))
# set the client for a CloudPath
if isinstance(processed_path, CloudPath):
processed_path.client = processed_path.client.__class__(**kwargs)
return processed_path
def _get_source_filepaths(
path: Union[pathlib.Path, AnyPath],
targets: Optional[List[str]] = None,
source_datatype: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Gather dataset of filepaths from a provided directory path.
path: Union[pathlib.Path, Any]:
Either a directory path to seek filepaths within or a path directly to a file.
targets: List[str]:
Compartment and metadata names to seek within the provided path.
source_datatype: Optional[str]: (Default value = None)
The source datatype (extension) to use for reading the tables.
Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]
Data structure which groups related files based on the compartments.
import os
import pathlib
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath
from cytotable.exceptions import DatatypeException, NoInputDataException
from cytotable.utils import _cache_cloudpath_to_local, _duckdb_reader
if (targets is None or targets == []) and source_datatype is None:
raise DatatypeException(
"A source_datatype must be specified when using undefined compartments and metadata names."
# gathers files from provided path using compartments + metadata as a filter
sources = [
# build source_paths for all files
# note: builds local cache for sqlite files from cloud
{"source_path": _cache_cloudpath_to_local(subpath)}
# loop for navigating single file or subpaths
for subpath in (
# used if the source path is a single file
if path.is_file()
# iterates through a source directory
else (x for x in path.glob("**/*") if x.is_file())
# ensure the subpaths meet certain specifications
if (
targets is None
or targets == []
# checks for name of the file from targets (compartment + metadata names)
or str(subpath.stem).lower() in [target.lower() for target in targets]
# checks for sqlite extension (which may include compartment + metadata names)
or subpath.suffix.lower() == ".sqlite"
# expand sources to include sqlite tables similarly to files (one entry per table)
expanded_sources = []
with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
for element in sources:
# check that the path is of sqlite type
if element["source_path"].suffix.lower() == ".sqlite":
# creates individual entries for each table
expanded_sources += [
"source_path": AnyPath(
"table_name": table_name,
# perform a query to find the table names from the sqlite file
for table_name in ddb_reader.execute(
/* perform query on sqlite_master table for metadata on tables */
SELECT name as table_name
from sqlite_scan(?, 'sqlite_master')
where type='table'
# make sure the table names match with compartment + metadata names
if targets is not None
and any(target.lower() in table_name.lower() for target in targets)
# if we don't have sqlite source, append the existing element
# reset sources to expanded_sources
sources = expanded_sources
# if we collected no files above, raise exception
if len(sources) < 1:
raise NoInputDataException(f"No input data to process at path: {str(path)}")
# group files together by similar filename for later data operations
grouped_sources = {}
# if we have no targets, create a single group inferred from a common prefix and suffix
# note: this may apply for scenarios where no compartments or metadata are
# provided as input to CytoTable operations.
if targets is None or targets == []:
# gather a common prefix to use for the group
common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(
# use lowercase version of the path to infer a commonprefix
for source in sources
if source["source_path"].suffix == f".{source_datatype}"
grouped_sources[f"{common_prefix}.{source_datatype}"] = sources
# otherwise, use the unique names in the paths to determine source grouping
for unique_source in set(source["source_path"].name for source in sources):
grouped_sources[unique_source.capitalize()] = [
# case for files besides sqlite
if source["source_path"].suffix.lower() != ".sqlite"
# if we have sqlite entries, update the source_path to the parent
# (the parent table database file) as grouped key name will now
# encapsulate the table name details.
else {
"source_path": source["source_path"].parent,
"table_name": source["table_name"],
for source in sources
# focus only on entries which include the unique_source name
if source["source_path"].name == unique_source
return grouped_sources
def _infer_source_datatype(
sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], source_datatype: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
Infers and optionally validates datatype (extension) of files.
sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Grouped datasets of files which will be used by other functions.
source_datatype: Optional[str]: (Default value = None)
Optional source datatype to validate within the context of
detected datatypes.
A string of the datatype detected or validated source_datatype.
from cytotable.exceptions import DatatypeException
# gather file extension suffixes
suffixes = list(set((group.split(".")[-1]).lower() for group in sources))
# if we don't have a source datatype and have more than one suffix
# we can't infer which file type to read.
if source_datatype is None and len(suffixes) > 1:
raise DatatypeException(
f"Detected more than one inferred datatypes from source path: {suffixes}"
# if we have a source datatype and it isn't within the detected suffixes
# we will have no files to process.
if source_datatype is not None and source_datatype not in suffixes:
raise DatatypeException(
f"Unable to find source datatype {source_datatype} "
f"within files. Detected datatypes: {suffixes}"
# if we haven't set a source datatype and need to rely on the inferred one
# set it so it may be returned
if source_datatype is None:
source_datatype = suffixes[0]
return source_datatype
def _filter_source_filepaths(
sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], source_datatype: str
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Filter source filepaths based on provided source_datatype.
sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]
Grouped datasets of files which will be used by other functions.
source_datatype: str
Source datatype to use for filtering the dataset.
Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]
Data structure which groups related files based on the datatype.
import pathlib
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath, CloudPath
return {
filegroup: [
for file in files
# ensure the filesize is greater than 0
if file["source_path"].stat().st_size > 0
# ensure the datatype matches the source datatype
and file["source_path"].suffix == f".{source_datatype}"
and _file_is_more_than_one_line(path=file["source_path"])
for filegroup, files in sources.items()
def _file_is_more_than_one_line(path: Union[pathlib.Path, AnyPath]) -> bool:
Check if the file has more than one line.
path (Union[pathlib.Path, AnyPath]):
The path to the file.
True if the file has more than one line, False otherwise.
NoInputDataException: If the file has zero lines.
# if we don't have a sqlite file
# (we can't check sqlite files for lines)
if path.suffix.lower() != ".sqlite":
with path.open("r") as f:
# read two lines, if the second is empty return false
return bool(f.readline() and f.readline())
except StopIteration:
# If we encounter the end of the file, it has only one line
raise NoInputDataException(
f"Data file has 0 rows of values. Error in file: {path}"
return True
def _gather_sources(
source_path: str,
source_datatype: Optional[str] = None,
targets: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
Flow for gathering data sources for conversion.
source_path: str:
Where to gather file-based data from.
source_datatype: Optional[str]: (Default value = None)
The source datatype (extension) to use for reading the tables.
targets: Optional[List[str]]: (Default value = None)
The source file names to target within the provided path.
Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]
Data structure which groups related files based on the compartments.
from cytotable.sources import (
built_path = _build_path(path=source_path, **kwargs)
# gather filepaths which will be used as the basis for this work
sources = _get_source_filepaths(
path=built_path, targets=targets, source_datatype=source_datatype
# infer or validate the source datatype based on source filepaths
source_datatype = _infer_source_datatype(
sources=sources, source_datatype=source_datatype
# filter source filepaths to inferred or source datatype
return _filter_source_filepaths(sources=sources, source_datatype=source_datatype)