Source code for cytotable.convert

CytoTable: convert - transforming data for use with pyctyominer.

import itertools
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import parsl
from import python_app

from cytotable.exceptions import CytoTableException
from cytotable.presets import config
from cytotable.sources import _gather_sources
from cytotable.utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_table_columns_and_types(
    source: Dict[str, Any], sort_output: bool
) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    Gather column data from table through duckdb.

        source: Dict[str, Any]
            Contains source data details. Represents a single
            file or table of some kind.
            Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not.

        List[Dict[str, str]]
            list of dictionaries which each include column level information

    import duckdb

    from cytotable.utils import _duckdb_reader, _sqlite_mixed_type_query_to_parquet

    source_path = source["source_path"]
    source_type = str(source_path.suffix).lower()

    # prepare the data source in the form of a duckdb query
    select_source = (
        if source_type == ".csv"
        else f"sqlite_scan('{source_path}', '{source['table_name']}')"

    # Query top 5 results from table and use pragma_storage_info() to
    # gather duckdb interpreted data typing. We gather 5 values for
    # each column to help with type inferences (where smaller sets
    # may yield lower data type accuracy for the full table).
    select_query = """
        /* we create an in-mem table for later use with the pragma_storage_info call
        as this call only functions with materialized tables and not views or related */
        CREATE TABLE column_details AS
            (SELECT *
            FROM &select_source
            LIMIT 5

        /* selects specific column metadata from pragma_storage_info */
            segment_type as column_dtype
        FROM pragma_storage_info('column_details')
        /* avoid duplicate entries in the form of VALIDITY segment_types */
        WHERE segment_type != 'VALIDITY'
        /* explicitly order the columns by their id to avoid inconsistent results */
        ORDER BY column_id ASC;

    # attempt to read the data to parquet from duckdb
    # with exception handling to read mixed-type data
    # using sqlite3 and special utility function
        # isolate using new connection to read data based on pageset
        # and export directly to parquet via duckdb (avoiding need to return data to python)
        # perform the query and create a list of dictionaries with the column data for table
        with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
            return (
                    select_query.replace("&select_source", select_source)

    except duckdb.Error as e:
        # if we see a mismatched type error
        # run a more nuanced query through sqlite
        # to handle the mixed types
        if "Mismatch Type Error" in str(e) and source_type == ".sqlite":
            arrow_data_tbl = _sqlite_mixed_type_query_to_parquet(
            with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
                return (
                        select_query.replace("&select_source", "arrow_data_tbl")

def _prep_cast_column_data_types(
    columns: List[Dict[str, str]], data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str]
) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
    Cast data types per what is received in cast_map.

    - columns: [{"column_id":0, "column_name":"colname", "column_dtype":"DOUBLE"}]
    - data_type_cast_map: {"float": "float32"}

    The above passed through this function will set the "column_dtype" value
    to a "REAL" dtype ("REAL" in duckdb is roughly equivalent to "float32")

        table_path: str:
            Path to a parquet file which will be modified.
        data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str]
            A dictionary mapping data type groups to specific types.
            Roughly to eventually align with DuckDB types:

            Note: includes synonym matching for common naming convention
            use in Pandas and/or PyArrow via cytotable.utils.DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS

        List[Dict[str, str]]
            list of dictionaries which each include column level information

    from functools import partial

    from cytotable.utils import _arrow_type_cast_if_specified

    if data_type_cast_map is not None:
        return list(
            # map across all columns
                    # attempts to cast the columns provided
                    # set static data_type_case_map arg for
                    # use with all fields

    return columns

def _get_table_keyset_pagination_sets(
    chunk_size: int,
    page_key: str,
    source: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    sql_stmt: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[List[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]], None]:
    Get table data chunk keys for later use in capturing segments
    of values. This work also provides a chance to catch problematic
    input data which will be ignored with warnings.

        source: Dict[str, Any]
            Contains the source data to be chunked. Represents a single
            file or table of some kind.
        chunk_size: int
            The size in rowcount of the chunks to create.
        page_key: str
            The column name to be used to identify pagination chunks.
            Expected to be of numeric type (int, float) for ordering.
            Optional sql statement to form the pagination set from.
            Default behavior extracts pagination sets from the full
            data source.

            List of keys to use for reading the data later on.

    import logging
    import sqlite3
    from contextlib import closing

    import duckdb

    from cytotable.exceptions import NoInputDataException
    from cytotable.utils import _duckdb_reader, _generate_pagesets

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    if source is not None:
        table_name = source["table_name"] if "table_name" in source.keys() else None
        source_path = source["source_path"]
        source_type = str(source_path.suffix).lower()

            with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
                if source_type == ".csv":
                    sql_query = f"SELECT {page_key} FROM read_csv_auto('{source_path}', header=TRUE, delim=',') ORDER BY {page_key}"
                    sql_query = f"SELECT {page_key} FROM sqlite_scan('{source_path}', '{table_name}') ORDER BY {page_key}"

                page_keys = [
                    results[0] for results in ddb_reader.execute(sql_query).fetchall()

        # exception case for when we have mixed types
        # (i.e. integer col with string and ints) in a sqlite column
        except duckdb.TypeMismatchException:
            with closing(sqlite3.connect(source_path)) as cx:
                with cx:
                    page_keys = [
                        for key in cx.execute(
                            f"SELECT {page_key} FROM {table_name} ORDER BY {page_key};"
                        if isinstance(key[0], (int, float))

        except (
        ) as invalid_input_exc:
                msg=f"Skipping file due to input file errors: {str(invalid_input_exc)}"

            return None

    elif sql_stmt is not None:
        with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
            sql_query = f"SELECT {page_key} FROM ({sql_stmt}) ORDER BY {page_key}"
            page_keys = ddb_reader.execute(sql_query).fetchall()
            page_keys = [key[0] for key in page_keys]

    return _generate_pagesets(page_keys, chunk_size)

def _source_pageset_to_parquet(
    source_group_name: str,
    source: Dict[str, Any],
    pageset: Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]],
    dest_path: str,
    sort_output: bool,
) -> str:
    Export source data to chunked parquet file using chunk size and offsets.

        source_group_name: str
            Name of the source group (for ex. compartment or metadata table name).
        source: Dict[str, Any]
            Contains the source data to be chunked. Represents a single
            file or table of some kind along with collected information about table.
        pageset: Tuple[int, int]
            The pageset for chunking the data from source.
        dest_path: str
            Path to store the output data.
        sort_output: bool
            Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not.

            A string of the output filepath.

    import pathlib

    import duckdb
    from cloudpathlib import AnyPath

    from cytotable.utils import (

    # attempt to build dest_path
    source_dest_path = (
    pathlib.Path(source_dest_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # add source table columns
    casted_source_cols = [
        # here we cast the column to the specified type ensure the colname remains the same
        f"CAST(\"{column['column_name']}\" AS {column['column_dtype']}) AS \"{column['column_name']}\""
        for column in source["columns"]

    # create selection statement from lists above
    select_columns = ",".join(
        # if we should sort the output, add the metadata_cols
        if sort_output
        else casted_source_cols

    # build output query and filepath base
    # (chunked output will append offset to keep output paths unique)
    if str(source["source_path"].suffix).lower() == ".csv":
        base_query = f"SELECT {select_columns} FROM read_csv_auto('{str(source['source_path'])}', header=TRUE, delim=',')"
        result_filepath_base = f"{source_dest_path}/{str(source['source_path'].stem)}"

    elif str(source["source_path"].suffix).lower() == ".sqlite":
        base_query = f"SELECT {select_columns} FROM sqlite_scan('{str(source['source_path'])}', '{str(source['table_name'])}')"
        result_filepath_base = f"{source_dest_path}/{str(source['source_path'].stem)}.{source['table_name']}"

    # form a filepath which indicates the pageset
    result_filepath = f"{result_filepath_base}-{pageset[0]}-{pageset[1]}.parquet"

    # Attempt to read the data to parquet file
    # using duckdb for extraction and pyarrow for
    # writing data to a parquet file.
        # read data with chunk size + offset
        # and export to parquet
        with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
                    WHERE {source['page_key']} BETWEEN {pageset[0]} AND {pageset[1]}
                    /* optional ordering per pageset */
                    {"ORDER BY " + source['page_key'] if sort_output else ""};
    # Include exception handling to read mixed-type data
    # using sqlite3 and special utility function.
    except duckdb.Error as e:
        # if we see a mismatched type error
        # run a more nuanced query through sqlite
        # to handle the mixed types
        if (
            "Mismatch Type Error" in str(e)
            and str(source["source_path"].suffix).lower() == ".sqlite"
                # here we use sqlite instead of duckdb to extract
                # data for special cases where column and value types
                # may not align (which is valid functionality in SQLite).

    # return the filepath for the chunked output file
    return result_filepath

def _prepend_column_name(
    table_path: str,
    source_group_name: str,
    identifying_columns: List[str],
    metadata: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]],
    compartments: List[str],
) -> str:
    Rename columns using the source group name, avoiding identifying columns.

    * A source_group_name represents a filename referenced as part of what
    is specified within targets.

        table_path: str:
            Path to a parquet file which will be modified.
        source_group_name: str:
            Name of data source source group (for common compartments, etc).
        identifying_columns: List[str]:
            Column names which are used as ID's and as a result need to be
            treated differently when renaming.
        metadata: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]:
            List of source data names which are used as metadata.
        compartments: List[str]:
            List of source data names which are used as compartments.

            Path to the modified file.

    import logging
    import pathlib

    import pyarrow.parquet as parquet

    from cytotable.constants import CYTOTABLE_ARROW_USE_MEMORY_MAPPING
    from cytotable.utils import _write_parquet_table_with_metadata

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    targets = tuple(metadata) + tuple(compartments)

    # if we have no targets or metadata to work from, return the table unchanged
    if len(targets) == 0:
                "Skipping column name prepend operations "
                "because no compartments or metadata were provided."
        return table_path

    table = parquet.read_table(
        source=table_path, memory_map=CYTOTABLE_ARROW_USE_MEMORY_MAPPING

    # stem of source group name
    # for example:
    #   targets: ['cytoplasm']
    #   source_group_name: 'Per_Cytoplasm.sqlite'
    #   source_group_name_stem: 'Cytoplasm'
    source_group_name_stem = targets[
        # return first result from generator below as index to targets
            for i, val in enumerate(targets)
            # compare if value from targets in source_group_name stem
            if val.lower() in str(pathlib.Path(source_group_name).stem).lower()
        # capitalize the result

    # capture updated column names as new variable
    updated_column_names = []

    for column_name in table.column_names:
        # if-condition for prepending source_group_name_stem to column name
        # where colname is not in identifying_columns parameter values
        # and where the column is not already prepended with source_group_name_stem
        # for example:
        #   source_group_name_stem: 'Cells'
        #   column_name: 'AreaShape_Area'
        #   updated_column_name: 'Cells_AreaShape_Area'
        if column_name not in identifying_columns and not column_name.startswith(
        # if-condition for prepending 'Metadata_' to column name
        # where colname is in identifying_columns parameter values
        # and where the column is already prepended with source_group_name_stem
        # for example:
        #   source_group_name_stem: 'Cells'
        #   column_name: 'Cells_Number_Object_Number'
        #   updated_column_name: 'Metadata_Cells_Number_Object_Number'
        elif column_name in identifying_columns and column_name.startswith(
        # if-condition for prepending 'Metadata' and source_group_name_stem to column name
        # where colname is in identifying_columns parameter values
        # and where the colname does not already start with 'Metadata_'
        # and colname not in metadata list
        # and colname does not include 'ObjectNumber' or 'TableNumber'
        # (which are specially treated column names in this context)
        # for example:
        #   source_group_name_stem: 'Cells'
        #   column_name: 'Parent_Nuclei'
        #   updated_column_name: 'Metadata_Cells_Parent_Nuclei'
        elif (
            column_name in identifying_columns
            and not column_name.startswith("Metadata_")
            and not any(item.capitalize() in column_name for item in metadata)
            and not any(item in column_name for item in ["ObjectNumber", "TableNumber"])
        # if-condition for prepending 'Metadata' to column name
        # where colname doesn't already start with 'Metadata_'
        # and colname is in identifying_columns parameter values
        # for example:
        #   column_name: 'ObjectNumber'
        #   updated_column_name: 'Metadata_ObjectNumber'
        elif (
            not column_name.startswith("Metadata_")
            and column_name in identifying_columns
        # else we add the existing colname to the updated list as-is

    # perform table column name updates
        table=table.rename_columns(updated_column_names), where=table_path

    return table_path

def _concat_source_group(
    source_group_name: str,
    source_group: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    dest_path: str,
    common_schema: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
    sort_output: bool = True,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Concatenate group of source data together as single file.

    For a reference to data concatenation within Arrow see the following:

    Notes: this function presumes a multi-directory, multi-file common data
    structure for compartments and other data. For example:

    Source (file tree):

    .. code-block:: bash

        ├── subdir_1
        │  └── Cells.csv
        └── subdir_2
            └── Cells.csv


    .. code-block:: python

        # earlier data read into parquet chunks from multiple
        # data source files.
        read_data = [
            {"table": ["cells-1.parquet", "cells-2.parquet"]},
            {"table": ["cells-1.parquet", "cells-2.parquet"]},

        # focus of this function
        concatted = [{"table": ["cells.parquet"]}]

        source_group_name: str
            Name of data source source group (for common compartments, etc).
        source_group: List[Dict[str, Any]]:
            Data structure containing grouped data for concatenation.
        dest_path: Optional[str] (Default value = None)
            Optional destination path for concatenated sources.
        common_schema: List[Tuple[str, str]] (Default value = None)
            Common schema to use for concatenation amongst arrow tables
            which may have slightly different but compatible schema.
        sort_output: bool
            Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not.

        List[Dict[str, Any]]
            Updated dictionary containing concatenated sources.

    import errno
    import pathlib

    import pyarrow as pa
    import pyarrow.parquet as parquet

    from cytotable.constants import (
    from cytotable.exceptions import SchemaException
    from cytotable.utils import _natural_sort

    # build a result placeholder
    concatted: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [
            # source path becomes parent's parent dir with the same filename
            "source_path": pathlib.Path(

    # build destination path for file to land
    destination_path = pathlib.Path(

    # if there's already a file remove it

    # ensure the parent directories exist:
    destination_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # build the schema for concatenation writer
    writer_schema = pa.schema(common_schema).with_metadata(

    # build a parquet file writer which will be used to append files
    # as a single concatted parquet file, referencing the first file's schema
    # (all must be the same schema)
    with parquet.ParquetWriter(str(destination_path), writer_schema) as writer:
        for source in source_group:
            tables = [table for table in source["table"]]
            if sort_output:
                tables = _natural_sort(tables)
            for table in tables:
                # if we haven't inferred the common schema
                # check that our file matches the expected schema, otherwise raise an error
                if common_schema is None and not writer_schema.equals(
                    raise SchemaException(
                            f"Detected mismatching schema for target concatenation group members:"
                            f" {str(source_group[0]['table'])} and {str(table)}"

                # read the file from the list and write to the concatted parquet file
                # note: we pass column order based on the first chunk file to help ensure schema
                # compatibility for the writer
                # remove the file which was written in the concatted parquet file (we no longer need it)

            # attempt to clean up dir containing original table(s) only if it's empty
            except OSError as os_err:
                # raise only if we don't have a dir not empty errno
                if os_err.errno != errno.ENOTEMPTY:

    # return the concatted parquet filename
    concatted[0]["table"] = [destination_path]

    return concatted

def _prepare_join_sql(
    sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
    joins: str,
) -> str:
    Prepare join SQL statement with actual locations of data based on the sources.

        sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
            Grouped datasets of files which will be used by other functions.
            Includes the metadata concerning location of actual data.
        joins: str:
            DuckDB-compatible SQL which will be used to perform the join
            operations using the join_group keys as a reference.
        sort_output: bool
            Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not.

            String representing the SQL to be used in later join work.
    import pathlib

    # replace with real location of sources for join sql
    order_by_tables = []
    for key, val in sources.items():
        if pathlib.Path(key).stem.lower() in joins.lower():
            table_name = str(pathlib.Path(key).stem.lower())
            joins = joins.replace(
                str([str(table) for table in val[0]["table"]]),

    # add the order by statements to the join
    return joins

def _join_source_pageset(
    dest_path: str,
    joins: str,
    page_key: str,
    pageset: Tuple[int, int],
    sort_output: bool,
    drop_null: bool,
) -> str:
    Join sources based on join group keys (group of specific join column values)

        dest_path: str:
            Destination path to write file-based content.
        joins: str:
            DuckDB-compatible SQL which will be used to perform the join
            operations using the join_group keys as a reference.
        join_group: List[Dict[str, Any]]:
            Group of joinable keys to be used as "chunked" filter
            of overall dataset.
        drop_null: bool:
            Whether to drop rows with null values within the resulting
            joined data.

            Path to joined file which is created as a result of this function.

    import pathlib

    from cytotable.utils import _duckdb_reader, _write_parquet_table_with_metadata

    with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:
        result = ddb_reader.execute(
            WITH joined AS (
            SELECT *
            FROM joined
            WHERE {page_key} BETWEEN {pageset[0]} AND {pageset[1]}
            /* optional sorting per pagset */
            {"ORDER BY " + page_key if sort_output else ""};

    # drop nulls if specified
    if drop_null:
        result = result.drop_null()

    # account for duplicate column names from joins
    cols = []
    # reversed order column check as col removals will change index order
    for i, colname in reversed(list(enumerate(result.column_names))):
        if colname not in cols:
            result = result.remove_column(i)

    # inner sorted alphabetizes any columns which may not be part of custom_sort
    # outer sort provides pycytominer-specific column sort order
    result =, key=_column_sort))

    result_file_path = (
        # store the result in the parent of the dest_path
        # use the dest_path stem in the name
        # add the pageset indication to the filename

    # write the result

    return result_file_path

def _concat_join_sources(
    sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]],
    dest_path: str,
    join_sources: List[str],
    sort_output: bool = True,
) -> str:
    Concatenate join sources from parquet-based chunks.

    For a reference to data concatenation within Arrow see the following:

        sources: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
            Grouped datasets of files which will be used by other functions.
            Includes the metadata concerning location of actual data.
        dest_path: str:
            Destination path to write file-based content.
        join_sources: List[str]:
            List of local filepath destination for join source chunks
            which will be concatenated.
        sort_output: bool
            Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not.

            Path to concatenated file which is created as a result of this function.

    import pathlib
    import shutil

    import pyarrow.parquet as parquet

    from cytotable.constants import (
    from cytotable.utils import _natural_sort

    # remove the unjoined concatted compartments to prepare final dest_path usage
    # (we now have joined results)
    flattened_sources = list(itertools.chain(*list(sources.values())))
    for source in flattened_sources:
        for table in source["table"]:

    # remove dir if we have it
    if pathlib.Path(dest_path).is_dir():

    # build a parquet file writer which will be used to append files
    # as a single concatted parquet file, referencing the first file's schema
    # (all must be the same schema)
    writer_schema = parquet.read_schema(join_sources[0]).with_metadata(
    with parquet.ParquetWriter(str(dest_path), writer_schema) as writer:
        for table_path in (
            if not sort_output
            else _natural_sort(list_to_sort=join_sources)
            # remove the file which was written in the concatted parquet file (we no longer need it)

    # return modified sources format to indicate the final result
    # and retain the other source data for reference as needed
    return dest_path

def _infer_source_group_common_schema(
    source_group: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    data_type_cast_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
    Infers a common schema for group of parquet files which may have
    similar but slightly different schema or data. Intended to assist with
    data concatenation and other operations.

        source_group: List[Dict[str, Any]]:
            Group of one or more data sources which includes metadata about
            path to parquet data.
        data_type_cast_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]], default None
            A dictionary mapping data type groups to specific types.
            Roughly includes Arrow data types language from:

        List[Tuple[str, str]]
            A list of tuples which includes column name and PyArrow datatype.
            This data will later be used as the basis for forming a PyArrow schema.

    import pyarrow as pa
    import pyarrow.parquet as parquet

    from cytotable.exceptions import SchemaException

    # read first file for basis of schema and column order for all others
    common_schema = parquet.read_schema(source_group[0]["table"][0])

    # infer common basis of schema and column order for all others
    for schema in [
        for source in source_group
        for table in source["table"]
        # account for completely equal schema
        if schema.equals(common_schema):

        # gather field names from schema
        schema_field_names = [ for item in schema]

        # reversed enumeration because removing indexes ascendingly changes schema field order
        for index, field in reversed(list(enumerate(common_schema))):
            # check whether field name is contained within writer basis, remove if not
            # note: because this only checks for naming, we defer to initially detected type
            if not in schema_field_names:
                common_schema = common_schema.remove(index)

            # check if we have a nulltype and non-nulltype conflict, deferring to non-nulltype
            elif pa.types.is_null(field.type) and not pa.types.is_null(
                common_schema = common_schema.set(
                    index, field.with_type(schema.field(

            # check if we have an integer to float challenge and enable later casting
            elif pa.types.is_integer(field.type) and pa.types.is_floating(
                common_schema = common_schema.set(
                        # use float64 as a default here if we aren't casting floats
                        if data_type_cast_map is None
                        or "float" not in data_type_cast_map.keys()
                        # otherwise use the float data type cast type
                        else pa.type_for_alias(data_type_cast_map["float"])

    if len(list(common_schema.names)) == 0:
        raise SchemaException(
                "No common schema basis to perform concatenation for source group."
                " All columns mismatch one another within the group."

    # return a python-native list of tuples with column names and str types
    return list(
            [str(schema_type) for schema_type in common_schema.types],

[docs]def _to_parquet( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals source_path: str, dest_path: str, source_datatype: Optional[str], metadata: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]], compartments: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]], identifying_columns: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]], concat: bool, join: bool, joins: Optional[str], chunk_size: Optional[int], infer_common_schema: bool, drop_null: bool, sort_output: bool, page_keys: Dict[str, str], data_type_cast_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str]: """ Export data to parquet. Args: source_path: str: str reference to read source files from. Note: may be local or remote object-storage location using convention "s3://..." or similar. dest_path: str: Path to write files to. This path will be used for intermediary data work and must be a new file or directory path. This parameter will result in a directory on `join=False`. This parameter will result in a single file on `join=True`. Note: this may only be a local path. source_datatype: Optional[str]: (Default value = None) Source datatype to focus on during conversion. metadata: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]: Metadata names to use for conversion. compartments: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]: (Default value = None) Compartment names to use for conversion. identifying_columns: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]: Column names which are used as ID's and as a result need to be ignored with regards to renaming. concat: bool: Whether to concatenate similar files together. join: bool: Whether to join the compartment data together into one dataset. joins: str: DuckDB-compatible SQL which will be used to perform the join operations. chunk_size: Optional[int], Size of join chunks which is used to limit data size during join ops. infer_common_schema: bool: (Default value = True) Whether to infer a common schema when concatenating sources. drop_null: bool: Whether to drop null results. sort_output: bool Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not. page_keys: Dict[str, str] A dictionary which defines which column names are used for keyset pagination in order to perform data extraction. data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str] A dictionary mapping data type groups to specific types. Roughly includes Arrow data types language from: **kwargs: Any: Keyword args used for gathering source data, primarily relevant for Cloudpathlib cloud-based client configuration. Returns: Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str]: Grouped sources which include metadata about destination filepath where parquet file was written or a string filepath for the joined result. """ # gather sources to be processed sources = _gather_sources( source_path=source_path, source_datatype=source_datatype, targets=( list(metadata) + list(compartments) if metadata is not None and compartments is not None else [] ), **kwargs, ) # expand the destination path expanded_dest_path = _expand_path(path=dest_path) # check that each source group name has a pagination key for source_group_name in sources.keys(): matching_keys = [ key for key in page_keys.keys() if key.lower() in source_group_name.lower() ] if not matching_keys: raise CytoTableException( f"No matching key found in page_keys for source_group_name: {source_group_name}." "Please include a pagination key based on a column name from the table." ) # prepare pagesets for chunked data export from source tables pagesets_prepared = { source_group_name: [ dict( source, **{ "page_key": ( page_key := [ value for key, value in page_keys.items() if key.lower() in source_group_name.lower() ][0] ), "pagesets": _get_table_keyset_pagination_sets( source=source, chunk_size=chunk_size, page_key=page_key, ), }, ) for source in source_group_vals ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in sources.items() } # if pagesets is none and we haven't halted, remove the file as there # were input formatting errors which will create challenges downstream invalid_files_dropped = { source_group_name: [ # ensure we have pagesets source for source in source_group_vals if source["pagesets"] is not None ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in evaluate_futures( pagesets_prepared ).items() # ensure we have source_groups with at least one source table if len(source_group_vals) > 0 } # gather column names and types from source tables column_names_and_types_gathered = { source_group_name: [ dict( source, **{ "columns": _prep_cast_column_data_types( columns=_get_table_columns_and_types( source=source, sort_output=sort_output ), data_type_cast_map=data_type_cast_map, ) }, ) for source in source_group_vals ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in invalid_files_dropped.items() } results = { source_group_name: [ dict( source, **{ "table": [ # perform column renaming and create potential return result _prepend_column_name( # perform chunked data export to parquet using pagesets table_path=_source_pageset_to_parquet( source_group_name=source_group_name, source=source, pageset=pageset, dest_path=expanded_dest_path, sort_output=sort_output, ), source_group_name=source_group_name, identifying_columns=identifying_columns, metadata=metadata, compartments=compartments, ) for pageset in source["pagesets"] ] }, ) for source in source_group_vals ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in evaluate_futures( column_names_and_types_gathered ).items() } # if we're concatting or joining and need to infer the common schema if (concat or join) and infer_common_schema: # create a common schema for concatenation work common_schema_determined = { source_group_name: [ { "sources": source_group_vals, "common_schema": _infer_source_group_common_schema( source_group=source_group_vals, data_type_cast_map=data_type_cast_map, ), } ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in evaluate_futures( results ).items() } # if concat or join, concat the source groups # note: join implies a concat, but concat does not imply a join # We concat to join in order to create a common schema for join work # performed after concatenation. if concat or join: # create a potential return result for concatenation output results = { source_group_name: _concat_source_group( source_group_name=source_group_name, source_group=source_group_vals[0]["sources"], dest_path=expanded_dest_path, common_schema=source_group_vals[0]["common_schema"], sort_output=sort_output, ) for source_group_name, source_group_vals in evaluate_futures( common_schema_determined ).items() } # conditional section for merging # note: join implies a concat, but concat does not imply a join if join: # evaluate the results as they're used multiple times below evaluated_results = evaluate_futures(results) prepared_joins_sql = _prepare_join_sql( sources=evaluated_results, joins=joins ).result() page_key_join = [ value for key, value in page_keys.items() if key.lower() == "join" ][0] # map joined results based on the join groups gathered above # note: after mapping we end up with a list of strings (task returns str) join_sources_result = [ _join_source_pageset( # gather the result of concatted sources prior to # join group merging as each mapped task run will need # full concat results dest_path=expanded_dest_path, joins=prepared_joins_sql, page_key=page_key_join, pageset=pageset, sort_output=sort_output, drop_null=drop_null, ) # create join group for querying the concatenated # data in order to perform memory-safe joining # per user chunk size specification. for pageset in _get_table_keyset_pagination_sets( sql_stmt=prepared_joins_sql, chunk_size=chunk_size, page_key=page_key_join, ).result() ] # concat our join chunks together as one cohesive dataset # return results in common format which includes metadata # for lineage and debugging results = _concat_join_sources( dest_path=expanded_dest_path, join_sources=[join.result() for join in join_sources_result], sources=evaluated_results, sort_output=sort_output, ) # wrap the final result as a future and return return evaluate_futures(results)
[docs]def convert( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals source_path: str, dest_path: str, dest_datatype: Literal["parquet"], source_datatype: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, compartments: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, identifying_columns: Optional[Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, concat: bool = True, join: bool = True, joins: Optional[str] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, infer_common_schema: bool = True, drop_null: bool = False, data_type_cast_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, page_keys: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, sort_output: bool = True, preset: Optional[str] = "cellprofiler_csv", parsl_config: Optional[parsl.Config] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str]: """ Convert file-based data from various sources to Pycytominer-compatible standards. Note: source paths may be local or remote object-storage location using convention "s3://..." or similar. Args: source_path: str: str reference to read source files from. Note: may be local or remote object-storage location using convention "s3://..." or similar. dest_path: str: Path to write files to. This path will be used for intermediary data work and must be a new file or directory path. This parameter will result in a directory on `join=False`. This parameter will result in a single file on `join=True`. Note: this may only be a local path. dest_datatype: Literal["parquet"]: Destination datatype to write to. source_datatype: Optional[str]: (Default value = None) Source datatype to focus on during conversion. metadata: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]: Metadata names to use for conversion. compartments: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, str, str, str]]: (Default value = None) Compartment names to use for conversion. identifying_columns: Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]: Column names which are used as ID's and as a result need to be ignored with regards to renaming. concat: bool: (Default value = True) Whether to concatenate similar files together. join: bool: (Default value = True) Whether to join the compartment data together into one dataset joins: str: (Default value = None): DuckDB-compatible SQL which will be used to perform the join operations. chunk_size: Optional[int] (Default value = None) Size of join chunks which is used to limit data size during join ops infer_common_schema: bool (Default value = True) Whether to infer a common schema when concatenating sources. data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str], (Default value = None) A dictionary mapping data type groups to specific types. Roughly includes Arrow data types language from: page_keys: str: The table and column names to be used for key pagination. Uses the form: {"table_name":"column_name"}. Expects columns to include numeric data (ints or floats). Interacts with the `chunk_size` parameter to form pages of `chunk_size`. sort_output: bool (Default value = True) Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not. drop_null: bool (Default value = False) Whether to drop nan/null values from results preset: str (Default value = "cellprofiler_csv") an optional group of presets to use based on common configurations parsl_config: Optional[parsl.Config] (Default value = None) Optional Parsl configuration to use for running CytoTable operations. Note: when using CytoTable multiple times in the same process, CytoTable will use the first provided configuration for all runs. Returns: Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str] Grouped sources which include metadata about destination filepath where parquet file was written or str of joined result filepath. Example: .. code-block:: python from cytotable import convert # using a local path with cellprofiler csv presets convert( source_path="./tests/data/cellprofiler/ExampleHuman", source_datatype="csv", dest_path="ExampleHuman.parquet", dest_datatype="parquet", preset="cellprofiler_csv", ) # using an s3-compatible path with no signature for client # and cellprofiler csv presets convert( source_path="s3://s3path", source_datatype="csv", dest_path="s3_local_result", dest_datatype="parquet", concat=True, preset="cellprofiler_csv", no_sign_request=True, ) # using local path with cellprofiler sqlite presets convert( source_path="example.sqlite", dest_path="example.parquet", dest_datatype="parquet", preset="cellprofiler_sqlite", ) """ # Raise an exception if an existing path is provided as the destination # to avoid removing existing data or unrelated data removal. if _expand_path(dest_path).exists(): raise CytoTableException( ( "An existing file or directory was provided as dest_path: " f"'{dest_path}'. Please use a new path for this parameter." ) ) # attempt to load parsl configuration if we didn't already load one if not _parsl_loaded(): # if we don't have a parsl configuration provided, load the default if parsl_config is None: parsl.load(_default_parsl_config()) else: # else we attempt to load the given parsl configuration parsl.load(parsl_config) else: # otherwise warn the user about previous config. logger.warning("Reusing previously loaded Parsl configuration.") # optionally load preset configuration for arguments # note: defer to overrides from parameters whose values # are not None (allows intermixing of presets and overrides) if preset is not None: metadata = ( cast(list, config[preset]["CONFIG_NAMES_METADATA"]) if metadata is None else metadata ) compartments = ( cast(list, config[preset]["CONFIG_NAMES_COMPARTMENTS"]) if compartments is None else compartments ) identifying_columns = ( cast(list, config[preset]["CONFIG_IDENTIFYING_COLUMNS"]) if identifying_columns is None else identifying_columns ) joins = cast(str, config[preset]["CONFIG_JOINS"]) if joins is None else joins chunk_size = ( cast(int, config[preset]["CONFIG_CHUNK_SIZE"]) if chunk_size is None else chunk_size ) page_keys = ( cast(dict, config[preset]["CONFIG_PAGE_KEYS"]) if page_keys is None else page_keys ) # Raise an exception for scenarios where one configures CytoTable to join # but does not provide a pagination key for the joins. if join and (page_keys is None or "join" not in page_keys.keys()): raise CytoTableException( ( "When using join=True one must pass a 'join' pagination key " "in the page_keys parameter. The 'join' pagination key is a column " "name found within the joined results based on the SQL provided from " "the joins parameter. This special key is required as not all columns " "from the source tables might not be included." ) ) # send sources to be written to parquet if selected if dest_datatype == "parquet": output = _to_parquet( source_path=source_path, dest_path=dest_path, source_datatype=source_datatype, metadata=metadata, compartments=compartments, identifying_columns=identifying_columns, concat=concat, join=join, joins=joins, chunk_size=chunk_size, infer_common_schema=infer_common_schema, drop_null=drop_null, data_type_cast_map=data_type_cast_map, sort_output=sort_output, page_keys=cast(dict, page_keys), **kwargs, ) return output