stratify stratifies operations.

stratify(population, sample, reducer, strata, ...)



tbl with grouping (metadata) and observation variables.


tbl with the same structure as population. This is typically used by operations to estimate parameters.


operation that is to applied in a stratified manner.


optional character vector specifying grouping variables for stratification.


arguments passed to operation.


population with potentially extra columns.


suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(library(magrittr))) population <- tibble::tibble( Metadata_group = sample(c("a", "b"), 100, replace = TRUE), Metadata_type = sample(c("control", "trt"), 100, replace = TRUE), AreaShape_Area = c(rnorm(98), 20, 30), AreaShape_Eccentricity = rnorm(100) ) variables <- c("AreaShape_Area", "AreaShape_Eccentricity") strata <- c("Metadata_group") sample <- population %>% dplyr::filter(Metadata_type == "control") population_marked <- cytominer::stratify( reducer = cytominer::mark_outlier_rows, method = "svd+iqr", population = population, variables = variables, sample = sample, strata = strata ) population_marked %>% dplyr::group_by(is_outlier) %>% dplyr::sample_n(3)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 5 #> # Groups: is_outlier [2] #> Metadata_group Metadata_type AreaShape_Area AreaShape_Eccentricity is_outlier #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> #> 1 a control 0.244 2.04 FALSE #> 2 b control -0.476 -1.05 FALSE #> 3 b control 2.20 0.0210 FALSE #> 4 b control 20 0.651 TRUE #> 5 b trt 0.601 2.00 TRUE #> 6 a trt 1.96 1.34 TRUE