Source code for cytotable.utils

Utility functions for CytoTable

import logging
import os
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import duckdb
import parsl
import pyarrow as pa
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath, CloudPath
from cloudpathlib.exceptions import InvalidPrefixError
from import AppBase
from parsl.config import Config
from parsl.errors import NoDataFlowKernelError
from parsl.executors import HighThroughputExecutor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# reference the original init
original_init = AppBase.__init__

[docs]def Parsl_AppBase_init_for_docs(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ A function to extend with docstring from decorated functions rather than the decorators from Parsl. Used for Sphinx documentation purposes. """ original_init(self, func, *args, **kwargs) # add function doc as the app doc self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
# set the AppBase to the new init for the docstring. AppBase.__init__ = Parsl_AppBase_init_for_docs
[docs]def _parsl_loaded() -> bool: """ Checks whether Parsl configuration has already been loaded. """ try: # try to reference Parsl dataflowkernel parsl.dfk() except NoDataFlowKernelError: # if we detect a Parsl NoDataFlowKernelError # return false to indicate parsl config has not yet been loaded. return False # otherwise we indicate parsl config has already been loaded return True
[docs]def _default_parsl_config(): """ Return a default Parsl configuration for use with CytoTable. """ return Config( executors=[ HighThroughputExecutor( label="htex_default_for_cytotable", ) ] )
# custom sort for resulting columns
[docs]def _column_sort(value: str): """ A custom sort for column values as a list. To be used with sorted and Pyarrow tables. """ # lowercase str which will be used for comparisons # to avoid any capitalization challenges value_lower = value.lower() # first sorted values (by list index) sort_first = [ "tablenumber", "metadata_tablenumber", "imagenumber", "metadata_imagenumber", "objectnumber", "object_number", ] # middle sort value sort_middle = "metadata" # sorted last (by list order enumeration) sort_later = [ "image", "cytoplasm", "cells", "nuclei", ] # if value is in the sort_first list # return the index from that list if value_lower in sort_first: return sort_first.index(value_lower) # if sort_middle is anywhere in value return # next index value after sort_first values if sort_middle in value_lower: return len(sort_first) # if any sort_later are found as the first part of value # return enumerated index of sort_later value (starting from # relative len based on the above conditionals and lists) if any(value_lower.startswith(val) for val in sort_later): for _k, _v in enumerate(sort_later, start=len(sort_first) + 1): if value_lower.startswith(_v): return _k # else we return the total length of all sort values return len(sort_first) + len(sort_later) + 1
[docs]def _duckdb_reader() -> duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection: """ Creates a DuckDB connection with the sqlite_scanner installed and loaded. Note: using this function assumes implementation will close the subsequently created DuckDB connection using `_duckdb_reader().close()` or using a context manager, for ex., using: `with _duckdb_reader() as ddb_reader:` Returns: duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection """ import duckdb from cytotable.constants import MAX_THREADS return duckdb.connect().execute( # note: we use an f-string here to # dynamically configure threads as appropriate f""" /* Install and load sqlite plugin for duckdb */ INSTALL sqlite_scanner; LOAD sqlite_scanner; /* Install httpfs plugin to avoid error */ INSTALL httpfs; /* Set threads available to duckdb See the following for more information: */ PRAGMA threads={MAX_THREADS}; /* Allow unordered results for performance increase possibilities See the following for more information: */ PRAGMA preserve_insertion_order=FALSE; """, )
[docs]def _sqlite_mixed_type_query_to_parquet( source_path: str, table_name: str, page_key: str, pageset: Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]], sort_output: bool, ) -> str: """ Performs SQLite table data extraction where one or many columns include data values of potentially mismatched type such that the data may be exported to Arrow for later use. Args: source_path: str: A str which is a path to a SQLite database file. table_name: str: The name of the table being queried. page_key: str: The column name to be used to identify pagination chunks. pageset: Tuple[int, int]: The range for values used for paginating data from source. sort_output: bool Specifies whether to sort cytotable output or not. add_cytotable_meta: bool, default=False: Whether to add CytoTable metadata fields or not Returns: pyarrow.Table: The resulting arrow table for the data """ import sqlite3 import pyarrow as pa from cytotable.constants import SQLITE_AFFINITY_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS from cytotable.exceptions import DatatypeException # open sqlite3 connection with sqlite3.connect(source_path) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() # Gather table column details including datatype. # Note: uses SQLite pragma for table information. # See the following for more information: # cursor.execute( """ SELECT :table_name as table_name, name as column_name, type as column_type FROM pragma_table_info(:table_name) /* explicit column ordering by 'cid' */ ORDER BY cid ASC; """, {"table_name": table_name}, ) # gather column metadata details as list of dictionaries column_info = [ dict(zip([desc[0] for desc in cursor.description], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] def _sqlite_affinity_data_type_lookup(col_type: str) -> str: # seek the translated type from SQLITE_AFFINITY_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS translated_type = [ key for key, values in SQLITE_AFFINITY_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS.items() if col_type in values ] # if we're unable to find a synonym for the type, raise an error if not translated_type: raise DatatypeException( f"Unable to find SQLite data type synonym for {col_type}." ) # return the translated type for use in SQLite return translated_type[0] # create cases for mixed-type handling in each column discovered above query_parts = [ f""" CASE /* when the storage class type doesn't match the column, return nulltype */ WHEN typeof({col['column_name']}) != '{_sqlite_affinity_data_type_lookup(col['column_type'].lower())}' THEN NULL /* else, return the normal value */ ELSE {col['column_name']} END AS {col['column_name']} """ for col in column_info ] # perform the select using the cases built above and using chunksize + offset sql_stmt = f""" SELECT {', '.join(query_parts)} FROM {table_name} WHERE {page_key} BETWEEN {pageset[0]} AND {pageset[1]} {"ORDER BY " + page_key if sort_output else ""}; """ # execute the sql stmt cursor.execute(sql_stmt) # collect the results and include the column name with values results = [ dict(zip([desc[0] for desc in cursor.description], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] # close the sqlite3 cursor cursor.close() # close the sqlite3 connection # note: context manager does not automatically close the connection # as per notes found under: # conn.close() # return arrow table with results return pa.Table.from_pylist(results)
[docs]def _cache_cloudpath_to_local(path: AnyPath) -> pathlib.Path: """ Takes a cloudpath and uses cache to convert to a local copy for use in scenarios where remote work is not possible (sqlite). Args: path: Union[str, AnyPath] A filepath which will be checked and potentially converted to a local filepath. Returns: pathlib.Path A local pathlib.Path to cached version of cloudpath file. """ # check that the path is a file (caching won't work with a dir) # and check that the file is of sqlite type # (other file types will be handled remotely in cloud) if ( isinstance(path, CloudPath) and path.is_file() and path.suffix.lower() == ".sqlite" ): try: # update the path to be the local filepath for reference in CytoTable ops # note: incurs a data read which will trigger caching of the file path = pathlib.Path(path.fspath) except InvalidPrefixError: # share information about not finding a cloud path "Did not detect a cloud path based on prefix. Defaulting to use local path operations." ) return path
[docs]def _arrow_type_cast_if_specified( column: Dict[str, str], data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str] ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Attempts to cast data types for an PyArrow field using provided a data_type_cast_map. Args: column: Dict[str, str]: Dictionary which includes a column idx, name, and dtype data_type_cast_map: Dict[str, str] A dictionary mapping data type groups to specific types. Roughly includes Arrow data types language from: Example: {"float": "float32"} Returns: Dict[str, str] A potentially data type updated dictionary of column information """ from cytotable.constants import DDB_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS # for casting to new float type if "float" in data_type_cast_map.keys() and column["column_dtype"] in [ "REAL", "DOUBLE", ]: return { "column_id": column["column_id"], "column_name": column["column_name"], "column_dtype": [ key for key, value in DDB_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS.items() if data_type_cast_map["float"] in value ][0], } # for casting to new int type elif "integer" in data_type_cast_map.keys() and column["column_dtype"] in [ "TINYINT", "SMALLINT", "INTEGER", "BIGINT", "HUGEINT", "UTINYINT", "USMALLINT", "UINTEGER", "UBIGINT", ]: return { "column_id": column["column_id"], "column_name": column["column_name"], "column_dtype": [ key for key, value in DDB_DATA_TYPE_SYNONYMS.items() if data_type_cast_map["integer"] in value ][0], } # else we retain the existing data field type return column
[docs]def _expand_path( path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, AnyPath] ) -> Union[pathlib.Path, AnyPath]: """ Expands "~" user directory references with the user's home directory, and expands variable references with values from the environment. After user/variable expansion, the path is resolved and an absolute path is returned. Args: path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, CloudPath]: Path to expand. Returns: Union[pathlib.Path, Any] A local pathlib.Path or Cloudpathlib.AnyPath type path. """ import os import pathlib from cloudpathlib import AnyPath # expand environment variables and resolve the path as absolute modifed_path = AnyPath(os.path.expandvars(path)) # note: we use pathlib.Path here to help expand local paths (~, etc) if isinstance(modifed_path, pathlib.Path): modifed_path = modifed_path.expanduser() return modifed_path.resolve()
[docs]def _get_cytotable_version() -> str: """ Seeks the current version of CytoTable using either pkg_resources or dunamai to determine the current version being used. Returns: str A string representing the version of CytoTable currently being used. """ try: # attempt to gather the development version from dunamai # for scenarios where cytotable from source is used. import dunamai return dunamai.Version.from_any_vcs().serialize() except (RuntimeError, ModuleNotFoundError): # else grab a static version from # for scenarios where the built/packaged cytotable is used. import cytotable return cytotable.__version__
[docs]def _write_parquet_table_with_metadata(table: pa.Table, **kwargs) -> None: """ Adds metadata to parquet output from CytoTable. Note: this mostly wraps pyarrow.parquet.write_table Args: table: pa.Table: Pyarrow table to be serialized as parquet table. **kwargs: Any: kwargs provided to this function roughly align with pyarrow.parquet.write_table. The following might be examples of what to expect here: - where: str or pyarrow.NativeFile """ from pyarrow import parquet from cytotable.constants import CYTOTABLE_DEFAULT_PARQUET_METADATA from cytotable.utils import _get_cytotable_version parquet.write_table( table=table.replace_schema_metadata( metadata=CYTOTABLE_DEFAULT_PARQUET_METADATA ), **kwargs, )
[docs]def _unwrap_value(val: Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any]) -> Any: """ Helper function to unwrap futures from values or return values where there are no futures. Args: val: Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any] A value which may or may not be a Parsl future which needs to be evaluated. Returns: Any Returns the value as-is if there's no future, the future result if Parsl futures are encountered. """ # if we have a future value, evaluate the result if isinstance(val, parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture): return val.result() elif isinstance(val, list): # if we have a list of futures, return the results if isinstance(val[0], parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture): return [elem.result() for elem in val] # otherwise return the value return val
[docs]def _unwrap_source( source: Union[ Dict[str, Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any]], Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any], ] ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Any]: """ Helper function to unwrap futures from sources. Args: source: Union[ Dict[str, Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any]], Union[parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture, Any], ] A source is a portion of an internal data structure used by CytoTable for processing and organizing data results. Returns: Union[Dict[str, Any], Any] An evaluated dictionary or other value type. """ # if we have a dictionary, unwrap any values which may be futures if isinstance(source, dict): return {key: _unwrap_value(val) for key, val in source.items()} else: # otherwise try to unwrap the source as-is without dictionary nesting return _unwrap_value(source)
[docs]def evaluate_futures(sources: Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str]) -> Any: """ Evaluates any Parsl futures for use within other tasks. This enables a pattern of Parsl app usage as "tasks" and delayed future result evaluation for concurrency. Args: sources: Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str] Sources are an internal data structure used by CytoTable for processing and organizing data results. They may include futures which require asynchronous processing through Parsl, so we process them through this function. Returns: Union[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]], str] A data structure which includes evaluated futures where they were found. """ return ( { source_group_name: [ # unwrap sources into future results _unwrap_source(source) for source in ( source_group_vals.result() # if we have a future, return the result if isinstance(source_group_vals, parsl.dataflow.futures.AppFuture) # otherwise return the value else source_group_vals ) ] for source_group_name, source_group_vals in sources.items() # if we have a dict, use the above, otherwise unwrap the value in case of future } if isinstance(sources, dict) else _unwrap_value(sources) )
[docs]def _generate_pagesets( keys: List[Union[int, float]], chunk_size: int ) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]: """ Generate a pageset (keyset pagination) from a list of keys. Parameters: keys List[Union[int, float]]: List of keys to paginate. chunk_size int: Size of each chunk/page. Returns: List[Tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]: List of (start_key, end_key) tuples representing each page. """ # Initialize an empty list to store the chunks/pages chunks = [] # Start index for iteration through the keys i = 0 while i < len(keys): # Get the start key for the current chunk start_key = keys[i] # Calculate the end index for the current chunk end_index = min(i + chunk_size, len(keys)) - 1 # Get the end key for the current chunk end_key = keys[end_index] # Ensure non-overlapping by incrementing the start of the next range if there are duplicates while end_index + 1 < len(keys) and keys[end_index + 1] == end_key: end_index += 1 # Append the current chunk (start_key, end_key) to the list of chunks chunks.append((start_key, end_key)) # Update the index to start from the next chunk i = end_index + 1 # Return the list of chunks/pages return chunks
[docs]def _natural_sort(list_to_sort): """ Sorts the given iterable using natural sort adapted from approach provided by the following link: Args: list_to_sort: List: The list to sort. Returns: List: The sorted list. """ import re return sorted( list_to_sort, # use a custom key to sort the list key=lambda key: [ # use integer of c if it's a digit, otherwise str int(c) if c.isdigit() else c # Split the key into parts, separating numbers from alphabetic characters for c in re.split("([0-9]+)", str(key)) ], )